Third parties

This resource is 'third party', the 'supplier', the 'subcontractor', the 'contractant' etc.

It's the main resource of the continuous evaluation as part of its compliance, according to the subscription and / or the options of the e-Attestations account.

Example GET request for /api/v1/account/{{account_id}}/thirdparties?siret=50382936800045

"content": [
"thirdpartyId": 875,
"companyIdType": "CIT001",
"companyIdValue": "50382936800045",
"thirdpartyCode": "123",
"siren": "503829368",
"siret": "50382936800045",
"tva": "FR69503829368",
"dateCreation": "2010-11-24",
"legalCategoryLabel": "Société par actions simplifiée",
"legalCategoryCode": "5710",
"acronym": null,
"activityLabel": "Edition de logiciels applicatifs",
"activityCode": "5829C",
"ceo": "POIDEVIN Emmanuel",
"capital": 3642000,
"capitalCurrency": "EUR",
"turnover": 2771996.0,
"turnoverCurrency": "EUR",
"lastBalanceSheetDate": "2017-12-31",
"workforce": 13,
"addressCity": "MASSY",
"addressPostCode": "91300",
"addressCountryCode": "FR"
"page": 0,
"size": 10,
"totalElements": 1

Using advanced search queries

You can request thirdparties details with a query search criteria parameter.

This is a very powerful and flexible search tool.

For example, you can search by the third party name:


You can combine multiple criteria:


Example of request and response:

The query

curl --location --request GET '{{ea_api_serv}}/api/v1/account/{{account_id}}/thirdparties?name=E-ATTESTATIONS.COM \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

The result

"content": [
"thirdpartyId": 875,
"companyIdType": "CIT001",
"companyIdValue": "50382936800045",
"thirdpartyCode": "123",
"siren": "503829368",
"siret": "50382936800045",
"tva": "FR69503829368",
"dateCreation": "2010-11-24",
"companyStartDate": "2008-04-07",
"legalCategoryLabel": "Société par actions simplifiée",
"legalCategoryCode": "5710",
"acronym": null,
"activityLabel": "Edition de logiciels applicatifs",
"activityCode": "5829C",
"etabActivityCode": "5829C",
"etabActivityType": "CODE_APE",
"etabActivityLabel": "Edition de logiciels applicatifs",
"ceo": "POIDEVIN Emmanuel",
"principals": [
"name": "POIDEVIN",
"firstname": "Emmanuel",
"function": "Président"
"capital": 3642000,
"capitalCurrency": "EUR",
"turnover": 2771996.0,
"turnoverCurrency": "EUR",
"lastBalanceSheetDate": "2017-12-31",
"workforce": 13,
"addressStreet": "CERTICORPS 2 12 2 RUE DU CHEMIN DES FEMMES",
"addressCity": "MASSY",
"addressPostCode": "91300",
"addressCountryCode": "FR",
"etabPhoneNumber": null,
"website": null,
"category": "PME",
"subCategory": "PE",
"headquarter": true,
"groupCompanyName": null,
"groupSiren": null,
"groupPercentageOwnership": null,
"listRegistrationNumber": []
"page": 0,
"size": 10,
"totalElements": 1