e-Attestations EDGE API
e-Attestations EDGE API is a RESTful API used to interface a client application or information system with the e-Attestations platform following the HTTP protocol.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style allowing to build applications (Web, Intranet, Web Service) by exploiting endpoints (endpoints urls) and referencing resources to be exploited according to the verbs of the HTTP protocol ( GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc ...).
Why 'EDGE' ?
Because at e-Attestations we've been using a LOT of APIs for more than 10 years in our solutions and we know how APIs are powerful solutions.
For years we've been developing great WebServices. From this experience, now we want to offer to our customers' developers and our partners the best experience possible with a brand new RESTful API and by delivering the last cutting EDGE version of e-Attestations' data and processes without any breaking change and with the best tooling ever.
Where to use 'EDGE' ?
Client applications using the e-Attestations REST API enrich the Client Information System with the catalog of e-Attestations data and services in a secure and very flexible manner.
The API can also be used by software integrators, editors, SAAS APIs, standard connectors etc.
The 'EDGE' API can be used by any system which can interact through the Internet, like :
- WebApps
- Mobiles Apps
- Business Application or platform (SAP, SalesForce...),
- Any software that consumes REST, or API connectors (Zapier, ZohoCRM, etc.).
Contact e-Attestations for more information at api-manager@e-attestations.com.